/* N-Gon border box for odd numbered side shapes used to deal with object rotation.
-------------------------------------------------------------- =========
| m ---------------------------o---------------------------- | |
| | -------------------------- | ------------------------- | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | radius | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | height
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | -- o -- n-gon center | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | -------------------------- | ------------------------- | | ==== |
| --------o------------------- | -------------------------- M | lw |
| -------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------- ==== |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | deltaYY | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | ----- | ------------------ | ------------------------- | | |
| --------o--------------------o---------------------------- | |
S ------------------------------------------------------------- =========
|============================ width ===========================|
m minimum x, y of original border box (minX, minY)
M maximum x, y of original border box (maxX, maxY)
S starting origin of final border box
lw line width
The even number sided polygons have no trouble rotating due to the fact that
their border box coincides with the n-gon center point. That is not the case
for odd number sided polygons. In this case a deltaYY value must be computed
to produce a final border box with a center that coincides with n-gon center.
deltaYY = minY + radius * 2 - maxY
function odd(n) { return (n % 2 !== 0); }
function toRadians(angle) { return angle * (Math.PI / 180); }
function toDegrees(radians) { return radians * (180 / Math.PI); }
function endPoint(x, y, l, angle) {
const radians = toRadians(angle);
return [(x + l * Math.cos(radians)), (y + l * Math.sin(radians))];
function boundingBox(coords) {
let boundBox = [coords[0][0], coords[0][1], coords[0][0], coords[0][1]];
for (const coord of coords) {
boundBox[0] = (boundBox[0] > coord[0]) ? coord[0] : boundBox[0];
boundBox[1] = (boundBox[1] > coord[1]) ? coord[1] : boundBox[1];
boundBox[2] = (boundBox[2] < coord[0]) ? coord[0] : boundBox[2];
boundBox[3] = (boundBox[3] < coord[1]) ? coord[1] : boundBox[3];
return boundBox;
function _n_gon(sides, cx, cy, radius, options = {}) {
let lineWidth = 0;
if (options.stroke || options.color || !options.fill) {
lineWidth = (options.lineWidth) ? options.lineWidth :
(options.width) ? options.width : 2;
let ngon = [];
let angle = 360 / sides;
let startingAngle = (odd(sides)) ? 270 : 270 - (angle / 2);
let n_radius = radius - lineWidth / 2;
for (let i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
const point = endPoint(cx, cy, n_radius, startingAngle + angle * i);
options.deltaYY = 0; // used in polygon to deal with ngon rotation
if (options.rotation !== undefined && odd(sides)) {
let boundBox = boundingBox(ngon);
options.deltaYY = boundBox[1] + n_radius * 2 - boundBox[3];
if (options.rotationVertice) {
options.rotationOrigin = ngon[(options.rotationVertice - 1) % (sides)];
return ngon;
* Draw an N-sided regular polygon
* @name n_gon
* @function
* @memberof Recipe
* @param {number} cx - x-coordinate of center point of regular polygon
* @param {number} cy - y-coordinate of center point of regular polygon
* @param {number} radius - The radius, distance from the center of the polygon to a vertice.
* @param {number} [sides=3] - the number of sides of the regular polygon
* @param {Object} [options] - The options
* @param {string|number[]} [options.color] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {string|number[]} [options.stroke] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {string|number[]} [options.fill] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {number} [options.lineWidth] - The line width
* @param {number} [options.opacity] - The opacity
* @param {number[]} [options.dash] - The dash style [number, number]
* @param {number} [options.rotation=0] - Accept: +/- 0 through 360.
* @param {number[]} [options.rotationOrigin=[cx,cy]] - [originX, originY]
* @param {number} [options.rotationVertice] - the number of the vertice to be used as rotation origin
* @param {number} [options.skewX] - the angle skew off the x-axis
* @param {number} [options.skewY] - the angle skew off the y-axis.
exports.n_gon = function n_gon(cx, cy, radius, sides = 3, options = {}) {
const MIN_SIDES = 3;
// Handle optional 'sides' event when options present.
if (typeof sides === 'object') {
options = sides;
sides = MIN_SIDES;
if (sides < MIN_SIDES) {
sides = MIN_SIDES;
const ngon = _n_gon(sides, cx, cy, radius, options);
this.polygon(ngon, options);
if (options.rotationVertice) {
delete options['rotationOrigin']; // cleanup n-gon generated point
if (options.debug) {
this.circle(cx, cy, radius, { width: 1, stroke: '#00ff00' });
this.circle(cx, cy, 2, { fill: '#ff0000' });
return this;
function _oddStar(ngon) {
let starPath = [];
let points = ngon.length;
let interval = Math.floor(points / 2);
for (let i = 0; i < points; i++) {
starPath.push(ngon[i * interval % points]);
return starPath;
* Draw an N pointed star
* @name star
* @function
* @memberof Recipe
* @param {number} cx - x-coordinate of center point of regular polygon
* @param {number} cy - y-coordinate of center point of regular polygon
* @param {number} [points=5] - number of points on star
* @param {Object} [options] - The options
* @param {string|number[]} [options.color] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {string|number[]} [options.stroke] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {string|number[]} [options.fill] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {number} [options.lineWidth] - The line width
* @param {number} [options.opacity] - The opacity
* @param {number[]} [options.dash] - The dash style [number, number]
* @param {number} [options.rotation] - Accept: +/- 0 through 360. Default: 0
* @param {number[]} [options.rotationOrigin] - [originX, originY] Default: x, y
* @param {number} [options.skewX] - the angle skew off the x-axis
* @param {number} [options.skewY] - the angle skew off the y-axis.
exports.star = function star(cx, cy, radius, points = 5, options = {}) {
let starPath = [];
let ngon;
const MIN_POINTS = 5;
// Handle optional 'points' event when options present.
if (typeof points === 'object') {
options = points;
points = MIN_POINTS;
if (points < MIN_POINTS) {
points = MIN_POINTS;
const starOptions = Object.assign({}, options);
if (odd(points)) {
starPath = _oddStar(_n_gon(points, cx, cy, radius, options));
} else {
let offset = -1;
let halfPoints = points / 2;
let interval = halfPoints - 1;
let userRotation = (options.rotation) ? options.rotation : 0;
if (odd(halfPoints)) {
starOptions.rotation = 0 + userRotation;
ngon = _n_gon(halfPoints, cx, cy, radius, starOptions);
let deltaY = starOptions.deltaYY;
if (halfPoints === 3) {
starPath = ngon;
} else {
starPath = _oddStar(ngon);
this.polygon(starPath, starOptions);
starOptions.rotation += (360 / points);
starOptions.deltaYY = deltaY;
} else {
// Want a point of star to be top-most
starOptions.rotation = (360 / points / 2) + userRotation;
ngon = _n_gon(points, cx, cy, radius);
for (let i = 0; i < points; i++) {
let j = i * interval % points;
if (j === 0) {
if (offset > 0) {
this.polygon(starPath, starOptions);
starPath = [];
starPath.push(ngon[j + offset]);
this.polygon(starPath, starOptions);
if (options.debug) {
this.circle(cx, cy, radius, { width: 1, stroke: '#00ff00' });
this.circle(cx, cy, 2, { fill: '#ff0000' });
return this;
function rotate(ox, oy, p, q, angle) {
let [x, y] = [ox, oy];
angle = angle % 360; // keep angle within realistic bounds
if (angle !== 0) {
[x, y] = [x - p, y - q];
let theta;
switch (angle) {
case 90:
case -270:
[x, y] = [-y + p, x + q];
case -90:
case 270:
[x, y] = [y + p, -x + q];
case -180:
case 180:
[x, y] = [-x + p, -y + q];
theta = toRadians(angle);
[x, y] = [
(x * Math.cos(theta)) - (y * Math.sin(theta)) + p,
(x * Math.sin(theta)) + (y * Math.cos(theta)) + q
return [x, y];
function center(ngon) {
let [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] = boundingBox(ngon);
let width = maxX - minX;
let height = maxY - minY;
return [minX + width / 2, minY + height / 2];
function translate(dx, dy, ngon) {
let object = ngon.slice();
for (const coord of object) {
coord[0] += dx;
coord[1] += dy;
return object;
function flipX(y, ngon) {
let object = ngon.slice();
for (const coord of object) {
coord[1] = 2 * y - coord[1];
return object;
function flipY(x, ngon) {
let object = ngon.slice();
for (const coord of object) {
coord[0] = 2 * x - coord[0];
return object;
* Draw a triangle, by specifying three side lengths, two side lengths and one inclusive angle, one side length and two adjacent angles, or with a set of vertices.
* @name triangle
* @function
* @memberof Recipe
* @param {number} x - x-coordinate used to position triangle, by default associated with left vertex of triangle base.
* @param {number} y - y-coordinate used to position triangle, by default associated with left vertex of triangle base.
* @param {number[]} traits - the data defining the triangle. Angles are specified as degrees, sides in units of points (1/72 in.).
* @param {Object} [options] - The options
* @param {string} [options.traitID='sss'] - indicates what type of data is being passed in the traits parameter.
* ('sss'- three side lengths, 'sas' - side-angle-side (sideA, <C, sideB), 'asa' - angle-side-angle (<B, sideC, <A),
* or 'vtx' - three vertex points [x,y])
* @param {string} [options.position='b'] - the position of the triangle to be set at the given x,y coordinates.
* The values can be one of: 'A' - the A vertex (right vertex of triangle base), 'B' - the B vertex (left vertex of triangle base),
* 'C' - the C vertex (apex of triangle), 'centroid', 'circumcenter', or 'incenter' of the triangle.
* @param {Boolean} [options.flipX=false] - flip triangle up to down through rotation point.
* @param {Boolean} [options.flipY=false] - flip triangle right to left through rotation point.
* @param {string|number[]} [options.color] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {string|number[]} [options.stroke] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {string|number[]} [options.fill] - HexColor or DecimalColor
* @param {number} [options.lineWidth] - The line width
* @param {number} [options.opacity] - The opacity
* @param {number[]} [options.dash] - The dash style [number, number]
* @param {number} [options.rotation] - Accept: +/- 0 through 360. Default: 0
* @param {number[]} [options.rotationOrigin] - [originX, originY] Default: x, y
* @param {number} [options.skewX] - the angle skew off the x-axis
* @param {number} [options.skewY] - the angle skew off the y-axis. */
exports.triangle = function triangle(x, y, traits, options = {}) {
let traitID = options.traitID || options.traitsID || 'sss';
let position = (options.position) ? options.position.toLowerCase() : 'default';
let triopts = Object.assign({}, options);
if (traits.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('Triangle requires 3 traits (sides/angles) for definition.');
traitID = traitID.toLowerCase();
let pt, radius, trigon;
let triangle = new Triangle(x, y, traitID, traits);
let cc;
let ic;
switch (position) {
case 'centroid':
pt = triangle.centroid;
case 'circumcenter':
cc = triangle.circumcenter;
[pt, radius] = [cc.point, cc.radius];
case 'incenter':
ic = triangle.incenter;
[pt, radius] = [ic.point, ic.radius];
triangle.incenter = [x, y]; // have to update incenter because tranlation will change it.
case 'a':
pt = new Point(triangle.A);
case 'b':
pt = new Point(triangle.B);
case 'c':
pt = new Point(triangle.C);
pt = new Point(triangle.B);
trigon = triangle.vertices;
if (!trigon) {
trigon = translate(x - pt.x, y - pt.y, triangle.vertices);
if (options.rotation && options.rotation !== 0) {
triopts.rotationOrigin = [x, y];
if (options.flipX) {
trigon = flipX(y, trigon);
if (options.flipY) {
trigon = flipY(x, trigon);
this.polygon(trigon, triopts);
if (options.debug) {
let angle = triopts.rotation || 0;
let [rx, ry] = (triopts.rotationOrigin) ? triopts.rotationOrigin: center(triangle.vertices);
// When rotation involved, easiest to just create new triangle
// with rotated points so that labelling will work properly.
if (angle !== 0 || options.flipX || options.flipY) {
let tgon = [];
for (const vertex of trigon) {
tgon.push(rotate(vertex[0], vertex[1], rx, ry, angle));
triangle = new Triangle(tgon[0][0], tgon[0][1], 'vtx', tgon);
this.circle(x, y, 2, { color: 'red', width: .5 });
if (radius) {
this.circle(x, y, radius, { color: 'green', width: .5 });
} else if (position === 'centroid') {
const ma_A = new Line(triangle.A, triangle.BC.midpoint);
const mb_B = new Line(triangle.B, triangle.AC.midpoint);
const mc_C = new Line(triangle.C, triangle.AB.midpoint);
[ma_A.point(1).x, ma_A.point(1).y],
[ma_A.point(2).x, ma_A.point(2).y]
], { color: 'green', width: .5 });
[mb_B.point(1).x, mb_B.point(1).y],
[mb_B.point(2).x, mb_B.point(2).y]
], { color: 'green', width: .5 });
[mc_C.point(1).x, mc_C.point(1).y],
[mc_C.point(2).x, mc_C.point(2).y]
], { color: 'green', width: .5 });
this.circle(triangle.incenter.point.x, triangle.incenter.point.y, triangle.incenter.radius, { color: 'green', width: .5 });
let ctr_A = new Line(triangle.incenter.point, triangle.A);
let ap = ctr_A.extend(10);
this.text('A', ap.x - 5, ap.y - 5, { color: '#a10439', size: 12 });
// this.circle(ap.x, ap.y,10, {color:'green', width:.5});
let ctr_B = new Line(triangle.incenter.point, triangle.B);
ap = ctr_B.extend(10);
this.text('B', ap.x - 5, ap.y - 5, { color: '#a10439', size: 12 });
// this.circle(ap.x, ap.y,10, {color:'green', width:.5});
let ctr_C = new Line(triangle.incenter.point, triangle.C);
ap = ctr_C.extend(10);
this.text('C', ap.x - 5, ap.y - 5, { color: '#a10439', size: 12 });
// this.circle(ap.x, ap.y,10, {color:'green', width:.5});
let toSideA = new Line(triangle.A, triangle.BC.midpoint);
let toSideB = new Line(triangle.B, triangle.AC.midpoint);
let toSideC = new Line(triangle.C, triangle.AB.midpoint);
ap = toSideA.extend(10);
this.text('a', ap.x - 3, ap.y - 5, { size: 10 });
// this.circle(ap.x, ap.y,6, {color:'red', width:.5});
ap = toSideB.extend(10);
this.text('b', ap.x - 3, ap.y - 5, { size: 10 });
// this.circle(ap.x, ap.y,6, {color:'red', width:.5});
ap = toSideC.extend(10);
this.text('c', ap.x - 3, ap.y - 5, { size: 10 });
// this.circle(ap.x, ap.y,6, {color:'red', width:.5});
return this;
// Reference of triangle sides (a,b,c) and vertices (A,B,C)
// C
// / \
// a / \ b
// /_____\
// B c A
const Triangle = class Triangle {
constructor(x, y, traitID, traits) {
let a, b, c, angA, angB, angC;
let sss, BC, AC, AB;
switch (traitID.toLowerCase()) {
case 'sss':
sss = traits.slice().sort((a, b) => { return a - b; });
if (sss[0] + sss[1] <= sss[2]) {
throw new Error('Not a valid triangle inequality (sum of 2 shortest sides must be greater than third side');
[a, b, c] = traits;
case 'sas':
[a, angC, b] = traits;
c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b - 2 * a * b * Math.cos(toRadians(angC)));
case 'asa':
[angB, c, angA] = traits;
angC = 180 - angA - angB;
if (angC <= 0) {
throw new Error('Not a valid triangle angle specification (sum of 2 angles must less than 180)');
a = c * Math.sin(toRadians(angA)) / Math.sin(toRadians(angC));
b = c * Math.sin(toRadians(angB)) / Math.sin(toRadians(angC));
case 'vtx':
this._B = traits[0];
this._C = traits[1];
this._A = traits[2];
BC = new Line(this._B, this._C);
AC = new Line(this._A, this._C);
AB = new Line(this._A, this._B);
a = BC.length;
b = AC.length;
c = AB.length;
throw new Error(`Unhandled trait identification ${traitID}`);
// At this point, all side lengths are known.
if (!angA) {
angA = toDegrees(Math.acos((b * b + c * c - a * a) / (2 * b * c)));
if (!angB) {
angB = toDegrees(Math.acos((a * a + c * c - b * b) / (2 * a * c)));
if (!angC) {
angC = 180 - angA - angB;
[this._x, this._y] = [x, y];
[this._a, this._b, this._c] = [a, b, c];
[this._angA, this._angB, this._angC] = [angA, angB, angC];
this._perimeter = a + b + c;
if (!this._A) {
this._A = [x + c, y];
if (!this._B) {
this._B = [x, y];
if (!this._C) {
this._C = endPoint(x, y, a, -angB);
get A() { return this._A; }
get B() { return this._B; }
get C() { return this._C; }
get AC() {
if (!this._AC) {
this._AC = new Line(this._A, this._C);
return this._AC;
get AB() {
if (!this._AB) {
this._AB = new Line(this._A, this._B);
return this._AB;
get BC() {
if (!this._BC) {
this._BC = new Line(this._B, this._C);
return this._BC;
get perimeter() {
return this._perimeter;
get area() {
if (!this._area) {
// Heron's formula
let s = this.perimeter / 2; // semi-perimeter
this._area = Math.sqrt(s * (s - this._a) * (s - this._b) * (s - this._c));
return this._area;
get vertices() {
return [this._B, this._C, this._A];
// The centroid is the point where all three medians of the triangle
// intersect. A median is the line running from a vertex to the midpoint
// of the side opposite the vertex.
get centroid() {
if (!this._centroid) {
let AB = new Line(this._A, this._B);
let AC = new Line(this._A, this._C);
let mAB = AB.midpoint;
let mAC = AC.midpoint;
let C_mAB = new Line(this._C, mAB);
let B_mAC = new Line(this._B, mAC);
this._centroid = C_mAB.intersect(B_mAC);
return this._centroid;
// The intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of
// each side midpoint defines the circumcenter.
get circumcenter() {
if (!this._circumcenter) {
// Algorithm in use is defining a circle from three noncolinear planar points
// http://www.ambrsoft.com/TrigoCalc/Circle3D.htm
let [x1, y1] = this._A;
let [x2, y2] = this._B;
let [x3, y3] = this._C;
let x1y1_sq = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1;
let x2y2_sq = x2 * x2 + y2 * y2;
let x3y3_sq = x3 * x3 + y3 * y3;
let A = x1 * (y2 - y3) - y1 * (x2 - x3) + x2 * y3 - x3 * y2;
let B = x1y1_sq * (y3 - y2) + x2y2_sq * (y1 - y3) + x3y3_sq * (y2 - y1);
let C = x1y1_sq * (x2 - x3) + x2y2_sq * (x3 - x1) + x3y3_sq * (x1 - x2);
// let D = x1y1_sq*(x3*y2 - x2*y3) + x2y2_sq*(x1*y3 - x3*y1) + x3y3_sq*(x2*y1 - x1*y2);
let a2 = 2 * A;
let x = -(B / a2);
let y = -(C / a2);
let r = new Line(x, y, x1, y1);
this._circumcenter = { point: new Point(x, y), radius: r.length };
return this._circumcenter;
set incenter(center) {
this._incenter = { point: new Point(center[0], center[1]), radius: this._incenter.radius };
get incenter() {
if (!this._incenter) {
// https://www.mathopenref.com/coordincenter.html
let x = (this._a * this._A[0] + this._b * this._B[0] + this._c * this._C[0]) / this.perimeter;
let y = (this._a * this._A[1] + this._b * this._B[1] + this._c * this._C[1]) / this.perimeter;
let radius = 2 * this.area / this.perimeter;
this._incenter = { point: new Point(x, y), radius: radius };
return this._incenter;
// /**
// * Determine if given point is inside given polygon
// * @param {number} x coordinate of point
// * @param {number} y coordinate of point
// * @param {number[]} ngon array of x,y coordinate pairs of polygon.
// * @returns 1 when point inside polygon, 0 when outside polygon.
// */
// function pointInPolygon(x, y, ngon) {
// // http://alienryderflex.com/polygon/
// let oddNodes = 0;
// let polyCorners = ngon.length;
// let j = polyCorners - 1;
// for (i = 0; i < polyCorners; i++) {
// if ((ngon[i][1] < y && y <= ngon[j][1] ||
// ngon[j][1] < y && y <= ngon[i][1]) &&
// (ngon[i][0] <= x || x >= ngon[j][0])) {
// oddNodes ^= (ngon[i][0] + (y - ngon[i][1]) / (ngon[j][1] - ngon[i][1]) * (ngon[j][0] - ngon[i][0]) < x);
// }
// j = i;
// }
// return oddNodes;
// }
* Draw an arrow
* @name arrow
* @function
* @memberof Recipe
* @param {number} x x-coordinate position
* @param {number} y y-coordinate position
* @param {Object} [options] arrow and polygon options
* @param {number} [options.type=0] indicates the type of arrow head to produce. (0-'triangle', 1-'dart', 2-'kite')
* Number or name may be used. Note, that the value of base offset in head option overrides this value.
* @param {number|number[]} [options.head=[10,20,0]] defines the length, width and base offset of arrow head.
* A single number can be used to assign both the length and width of arrow, giving the base offset value as zero.
* @param {number|number[]} [options.shaft=[10,10]] defines the length and width of the arrow shaft.
* @param {Boolean} [options.double=false] indicate double headed arrow production.
* @param {string} [options.at] position and/or rotate at "head" or "tail" of arrow instead of at center.
exports.arrow = function arrow(x, y, options = {}) {
let defaultHeadLength = 10;
let nock = null;
let ox = x;
let debug = options.debug;
let headTypes = { 0: 0, triangle: 0, 1: .5, dart: .5, 2: -1, kite: -1 };
let shaftLength = defaultHeadLength;
let shaftWidth = defaultHeadLength;
let headLength = defaultHeadLength;
let headWidth = defaultHeadLength * 2;
let baseOffset = 0;
// Extract user dimensions of arrow head.
// This will either be a simple number, or
// 3 component array containing the data
// elements to build a KITE shaped quadrilateral.
if (options.head !== void(0)) {
[headLength, headWidth, baseOffset] = (Array.isArray(options.head)) ? options.head: [options.head];
if (headWidth === void(0)) {
shaftWidth = shaftLength = headLength;
headWidth = headLength * 2;
if (baseOffset === void(0)) {
baseOffset = 0;
if (headLength === void(0) || headLength === 0) {
headLength = defaultHeadLength;
if (headWidth === void(0) || headWidth === 0) {
headWidth = headLength * 2;
// Extract user dimensions of arrow shaft.
if (options.shaft !== void(0)) {
[shaftLength, shaftWidth] = (Array.isArray(options.shaft)) ? options.shaft: [options.shaft];
if (shaftWidth === void(0)) {
shaftWidth = shaftLength;
if (shaftWidth > headWidth) {
shaftWidth = headWidth;
} else if (shaftWidth === 0) {
shaftWidth = headWidth / 2;
if (baseOffset === 0 && options.type) {
let type = headTypes[options.type];
if (type !== void(0)) {
baseOffset = type * headLength; // a percentage of the arrow head length.
// Short cut for caller, so they don't have to specify rotation origin.
if (options.at && options.rotation && !options.rotationOrigin) {
options = Object.assign({}, options, { rotationOrigin: [x, y] });
// Adjust coordinates of drop point at head, tail, or middle of arrow.
// ('default' choice represents center of arrow and default rotation point)
if (options.double) {
switch (options.at) {
case 'head':
x -= headLength;
case 'tail':
x += shaftLength + headLength;
x += shaftLength / 2;
nock = new Kite(x - shaftLength, y, headLength, headWidth, baseOffset);
} else {
switch (options.at) {
case 'head':
x -= headLength;
case 'tail':
x += shaftLength;
x += (shaftLength - headLength) / 2;
const head = new Kite(x, y, headLength, headWidth, baseOffset);
const arrow = new Arrow(x, y, head, shaftLength, shaftWidth, nock);
const halfShaft = shaftWidth / 2;
const KE = head.KE;
// When the KE line is vertical, it means that the base offset was zero
// Consequently, the arrow head will be a triangle, not a KITE. Note
// that the intersection computation would also fail for vertical lines.
if (!KE.isVertical) {
const shaft_top = new Line(head.I[0], y - halfShaft, head.E[0], y - halfShaft);
const ke_shaft_intercept = KE.intersect(shaft_top);
if (options.double) {
// Starting at arrow head tip (Pt I below),
// moving clockwise to next point.
// K' K
// /|_________|\
// /tl tr\
// I' * * I
// \bl_________br/
// \| |/
// T' T
arrow.tip.I, // tip point of arrow
arrow.shaft('br'), // lower connection point to arrow tip
arrow.nock.Tp, // drawing reverse arrow head at nock/tail of arrow
arrow.shaft('tr'), // upper connection point to arrow tip
], options);
} else {
// Starting at arrow head tip (Pt I below),
// moving clockwise to next point.
// K _
// _ tl________|\ | SW: shaftWidth
// | | tr\ | SL: shaftLength
// SW-| | * I |-HW HW: headWidth
// |_ |_________br/ | HL: headLength
// bl |/ _|
// T
// |_________|__|
// | |
// SL HL
arrow.tip.I, // tip point of arrow
arrow.shaft('br'), // lower connection point to arrow tip
arrow.shaft('tr'), // upper connection point to arrow tip
], options); // back to point of arrow to close polygon
if (debug) {
this.circle(ox, y, 2, { color: 'red' });
if (debug === 2) { // Display Kite reference points
const tc = 'red';
const cc = 'red';
const ktc = 'blue';
const kcc = 'green';
this.text('E', arrow.tip.E[0] - 3, arrow.tip.E[1] - 4, { size: 9, color: ktc });
this.circle(arrow.tip.E[0], arrow.tip.E[1], 6, { color: kcc, width: .5 });
this.text('K', arrow.tip.K[0] - 3, arrow.tip.K[1] - 10, { size: 9, color: ktc });
this.circle(arrow.tip.K[0], arrow.tip.K[1] - 6, 6, { color: kcc, width: .5 });
this.text('i', arrow.tip.I[0] + 5, arrow.tip.I[1] - 4, { size: 9, color: ktc });
this.circle(arrow.tip.I[0] + 6, arrow.tip.I[1], 6, { color: kcc, width: .5 });
this.text('T', arrow.tip.T[0] - 2, arrow.tip.T[1] + 3, { size: 9, color: ktc });
this.circle(arrow.tip.T[0], arrow.tip.T[1] + 6, 6, { color: kcc, width: .5 });
let br = arrow.shaft('br');
this.text('br', br[0] - 4, br[1] - 11, { size: 9, color: tc });
this.circle(br[0], br[1] - 8, 6, { color: cc, width: .5 });
let bl = arrow.shaft('bl');
this.text('bl', bl[0] + 4, bl[1] - 11, { size: 9, color: tc });
this.circle(bl[0] + 8, bl[1] - 8, 6, { color: cc, width: .5 });
let tl = arrow.shaft('tl');
this.text('tl', tl[0] + 5, tl[1] + 2, { size: 9, color: tc });
this.circle(tl[0] + 8, tl[1] + 7, 6, { color: cc, width: .5 });
let tr = arrow.shaft('tr');
this.text('tr', tr[0] - 3, tr[1] + 2, { size: 9, color: tc });
this.circle(tr[0], tr[1] + 7, 6, { color: cc, width: .5 });
return this;
// Reference points on KITE quadrangle When a KITE becomes a Dart ... degenerates to a Triangle
// K K
// ------ K * o | o
// | o | o * o | o
// o | o * o | o
// w o | o * o | o
// i o | o * o | o
// d E | I E I E I
// t o | o * o | o
// h o | o * o | o
// o | o * o | o
// | o | o * o | o
// ------ T * o | o
// T T
// |________________________|_______________|
// base offset height
const Kite = class Kite {
constructor(x, y, width, height, baseOffset = 0) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
// To produce Dart shapes, baseOffset can be positive
// but it cannot exceed the height of the arrow head.
this._baseOffset = (baseOffset >= height) ? (height - 1) : baseOffset;
this._type = (baseOffset > 0) ? 'dart' :
(baseOffset === 0) ? 'triangle' : 'kite';
this._K = new Point(x, y - (height / 2));
this._I = new Point(x + width, y);
this._T = new Point(x, y + (height / 2));
this._E = new Point(x + this._baseOffset, y);
get K() { return [this._K.x, this._K.y]; }
get I() { return [this._I.x, this._I.y]; }
get T() { return [this._T.x, this._T.y]; }
get E() { return [this._E.x, this._E.y]; }
// create points I&E prime (flip, 180 degrees) to change direction of Kite on X-axis
get Ip() { return [this._I.x - (2 * this._width), this._I.y]; }
get Ep() { return [this._E.x + (2 * this._baseOffset), this._E.y]; }
get Kp() { return [this._K.x, this._K.y]; } // no different than K or T, just here for consistency usage
get Tp() { return [this._T.x, this._T.y]; }
get KE() { // line segment between points K and E
if (!this._KE) {
this._KE = new Line(this._K.x, this._K.y, this._E.x, this._E.y);
return this._KE;
get TE() { // line segment between points T and E
if (!this._TE) {
this._TE = new Line(this._T.x, this._T.y, this._E.x, this._E.y);
return this._TE;
get type() { return this._type; }
// position(x, y) {
// }
const Arrow = class Arrow {
constructor(x, y, arrowhead, shaftLength, shaftWidth, nock) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._tip = arrowhead;
this._nock = nock; // for double headed arrows
this._shaftLength = shaftLength;
this._shaftWidth = shaftWidth;
this._connectAt_tr = new Point(this._x, this._y - shaftWidth / 2); // top, right
this._connectAt_br = new Point(this._x, this._y + shaftWidth / 2); // bottom, right
get tip() { return this._tip; }
get nock() { return this._nock; }
joinShaft(pointTR) {
this._connectAt_tr.x = pointTR.x;
this._connectAt_br.x = pointTR.x;
shaft(point) {
switch (point) {
case 'br':
return [this._connectAt_br.x, this._connectAt_br.y];
case 'bl':
return [this._x - this._shaftLength, this._connectAt_br.y];
case 'tl':
return [this._x - this._shaftLength, this._connectAt_tr.y];
case 'tr':
return [this._connectAt_tr.x, this._connectAt_tr.y];
const Point = class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
if (Array.isArray(x)) {
this._x = x[0];
this._y = x[1];
} else {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
get x() { return this._x; }
get y() { return this._y; }
get point() { return [this._x, this._y]; }
set x(xx) { this._x = xx; }
set y(yy) { this._y = yy; }
set point(pnt) {
[this._x, this._y] = pnt;
const Line = class Line {
constructor(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
// Allow user to supply Points or Arrays instead of individual coordinates
if ((x1 instanceof Point || Array.isArray(x1)) && !(y1 instanceof Point || Array.isArray(y1))) {
throw new Error('2nd parameter not an instance of Point or Array');
if (typeof x1 === 'number') { // individual coordinates
this._pt1 = new Point(x1, y1);
this._pt2 = new Point(x2, y2);
} else {
if (x1 instanceof Point) {
this._pt1 = x1;
} else {
this._pt1 = new Point(x1); // assuming array
if (y1 instanceof Point) {
this._pt2 = y1;
} else {
this._pt2 = new Point(y1); // assuming array
get isVertical() {
return this._pt1.x === this._pt2.x;
point(ep) {
return (ep === 1) ? this._pt1 :
(ep === 2) ? this._pt2 : null;
get midpoint() {
if (!this._midpoint) {
let dx = (this._pt2.x - this._pt1.x) / 2;
let dy = (this._pt2.y - this._pt1.y) / 2;
this._midPoint = new Point(this._pt1.x + dx, this._pt1.y + dy);
return this._midPoint;
get length() {
if (!this._length) {
this._length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._pt2.x - this._pt1.x, 2) + Math.pow(this._pt2.y - this._pt1.y, 2));
return this._length;
get slope() {
if (!this._slope) {
this._slope = Math.abs(this._pt2.x - this._pt1.x) < .0001 ? Infinity : (this._pt2.y - this._pt1.y) / (this._pt2.x - this._pt1.x);
return this._slope;
get inv_slope() { // inverse slope
return -(1 / this.slope);
extend(distance, ptNbr = 2) {
let slope = this.slope;
let ept = this.point(ptNbr);
let opt = this.point((ptNbr === 1) ? 2 : 1);
let x = ept.x,
y = ept.y;
let epsilon = .0001;
let newLen, deltaX = 0,
deltaY = 0;
let ss;
switch (slope) {
case 0:
deltaX = distance;
newLen = Math.abs(opt.x - (x + deltaX));
case Infinity:
deltaY = distance;
newLen = Math.abs(opt.y - (y + deltaY));
ss = Math.sqrt(1 / (1 + Math.pow(slope, 2)));
deltaX = distance * ss;
deltaY = slope * deltaX;
newLen = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(opt.x - (x + deltaX), 2) + Math.pow(opt.y - (y + deltaY), 2));
// Since there are 2 possible solutions, the idea is to choose the one which
// effectively gives a distance equivalent to the length of the line plus the given distance.
let direction = (Math.abs(newLen - (this.length + distance)) < epsilon) ? 1 : -1;
x += direction * deltaX;
y += direction * deltaY;
return new Point(x, y);
// Equation to solve for intersection of two line segments
// when given 4 sets of points representing the segments.
// due to sign negation in program, terms don't match here.
// (x2y1 - x1y2)(x4 - x3) - (x4y3 - x3y4)(x2 - x1) c1(b2) - c2(b1)
// x = ----------------------------------------------- ---------------
// (x2 - x1)(y4 - y3) - (x4 - x3)(y2 - y1) b1(a2) - b2(a1)
// (x2y1 - x1y2)(y4 - y3) - (x4y3 - x3y4)(y2 - y1) c1(a2) - c2(a1)
// y = ----------------------------------------------- ---------------
// (x2 - x1)(y4 - y3) - (x4 - x3)(y2 - y1) b1(a2) - b2(a1)
intersect(CD) {
let A = this._pt1,
B = this._pt2;
let C = CD,
D = CD;
let x1 = A.x,
y1 = A.y;
let x2 = B.x,
y2 = B.y;
let x3 = C.point(1).x,
y3 = C.point(1).y;
let x4 = D.point(2).x,
y4 = D.point(2).y;
// Line AB represented as a1x + b1y = c1
let a1 = y2 - y1;
//let b1 = x2 - x1;
let b1 = x1 - x2;
//let c1 = b1*y1 - a1*x1;
let c1 = b1 * y1 + a1 * x1;
// Line CD represented as a2x + b2y = c2
let a2 = y4 - y3;
//let b2 = x4 - x3;
let b2 = x3 - x4;
//let c2 = b2*y3 - a2*x3;
let c2 = b2 * y3 + a2 * x3;
// If the lines are parallel their slopes will be the same
// causing the determinantinator to be zero, so check for that first.
//let determinant = a2*b1 - a1*b2;
let determinant = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1;
if (determinant === 0) { return null; }
let x = (b2 * c1 - b1 * c2) / determinant;
//let y = (a2*c1 - a1*c2) / determinant;
let y = (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) / determinant;
return new Point(x, y);